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Meron Wellness Initiative on Instagram: #WhatFillsYourCup


Today, January 18th, is claimed to be the most depressing day of the year. And it’s okay if you feel it too.

It takes patience, practice and time to learn how to cope with these feelings. And we’re here to help you. Meron is all about enjoying the present moment and slowing down for a little when needed.

Trying to deal with life’s challenges when your glass is empty runs you down physically and mentally, and makes you more vulnerable (and yes, chronic stress is an illness).

Meron always encourage you to enjoy the present moment. Cherish that #metime as often as you can. Take your mom on a date over coffee. Have a screen free weekend in order to enjoy your friends company and have #10secondsofrelaxation every Sunday.

Mental health and wellness during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on people’s physical and mental health. A recent study conducted by Collaborative Outcomes on Health and Functioning during Infectious Times revealed that Romanians are sadder, angrier, much more anxious, and have an increased sense of loneliness. Specifically, 42% of respondents (approximately 2,000 people aged between 28 and 50 years old) reported a worsening of stress, and about a third of respondents reported a deterioration of nervousness.

“The study shows that the coronavirus pandemic can be extremely stressful for certain people. Fear and anxiety can be overwhelming both for adults as well as children. Preliminary data shows that certain pre-existing medical conditions intensified for many patients, while others began expressing states of anxiety, depression, and helplessness when faced with these new challenges. ” reads the press release.

Almost 70% of interviewees estimated an increase in the time they spent following mass-media as a way to cope with and manage the situation. Other methods to reduce stress and pass the time included physical exercise, open-air walks, discovering new hobbies, spending time with pets, and sexual activities.

Meron wellness initiative: Fill your cup with healthy thoughts 

This is what we are going to talk about every last Monday of the month with specialists in their fields: psychology, sports, nutrition, meditation, to fill your cup with coffee, good thoughts and well spent time.

Our first guest of this series (cause yes, this will become our dearest series of talks) is Raluca Anton, science oriented psychotherapist & trainer. She will talk on our Instagram about how to cope with blue moods next Monday on January, 25.

Join her and at the end of the session don’t be shy, ask her anything! See you on Instagram: