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Coffee for the Community: Our way to get involved in causes we believe


Beyond being a product or offering a service, we are a business that understands the importance of well-being and support for the community. We are grateful to say that over the years we have grown a beautiful community around our specialty coffee. Being part of this engaging community gave us a sense of belonging. It enabled us to support perpetual growth of our people and our environment.

Coffee is our passion, while the community inspires us. With this thought in mind, we developed a a recurring series of projects under the name of Coffee For the Community. This is our way to  get involved in causes we believe.

Here are the causes we are supporting:

A MagicHelp for the parents

MagicHELP is an initiative that aims to offer support to the parents caring for children with cancer. Through a mobile application, the families are matched with the businesses that can provide them help through services and products. In our case, specialty coffee. As partners of MagicHelp we give parents a moment of relaxation when they can enjoy a coffee-based drink in our coffee shops Meron Napoca and Meron Central.

Coffee for a Good Cause

Coffee for a Good Cause is our own way to give back to the community through a recurring fundraising in one of our locations. Concretely, all the money raised in one day from coffee-based drinks are donated to a cause supported by us.

We started this project back in December 2019. Our first cause was Magda Săvuică’s project Dragoste desculță that aims to offer food, clothing and basic products for children from Negresti village, Vaslui county.

The pilot edition was so successful among the people in our community, that we decided to repeat this experience to support an initiative of Rotaract Cluj. In March this year, we’ve organized another edition of Coffee for a Good Cause and all the money were used to buy Nellcor Sp02 sensor cables for the Neonatology department of Dominic Stanca Clinic, Cluj-Napoca.

For the 3rd edition, that took place on May 17th we supported Terapie prin artă by Create.Act.Enjoy. They initiate art therapy projects with hospital patients: outdoor concerts, arranging green spaces, comedy shows, creative workshops for therapeutic purposes, psychologist-assisted socialization for single patients.

Their purpose during this period? To raise 30% of the total project budget from individual donors who want to support art therapy in hospitals.


Blood donation is important. Volunteer blood donors are connecting lives and sharing life through it. To encourage blood donation we partnered up with BlooDoChallenge, an app that promotes blood donation by offering points, from 30 to 50, when you donate blood. For every 30 points in this app, you are offered 15% discount in our coffee shops in Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, Alba Iulia, Satu-Mare and Zalău.


Businesses are made by people, with people and for the people. So, beyond being a product or offering a service, we are a business that understands the importance of well-being, caregiving and support offered to the community. We get involved in causes we believe in and we say yes to projects that make this world a little better. 

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