Coffee Festivals, Events, Latest News

World of Coffee Copenhagen, 2024


You know that feeling when the thought of going home becomes an afterthought because right here, right now, feels like the perfect place to be? That’s exactly how we felt at WOC Copenhagen, and returning home to our daily habits only highlighted that sensation.

Our journey from Cluj-Napoca to Copenhagen was a roller coaster of emotions. The moment we stepped onto Danish soil, we knew our place in the festival was assured.


The first day at WOC Copenhagen was nothing short of exceptional! We captured memorable moments with fellow coffee lovers and showcased our love for coffee during the bar takeover at the Loveramics booth, where we featured the Colombia El Placer Pink Bourbon on the brew bar.

We enjoyed tasting coffees from Finca los Nogales and participated in a cupping session with Hartmann Estate, the first coffee farm we ever visited.


As we wrapped up the second day at WOC Copenhagen, we genuinely felt a sense of belonging. These coffee festivals offer the perfect opportunity to reconnect with friends and partners from around the globe. The vibrant energy of an event like this is beyond words – it’s an experience you have to be part of to truly appreciate. We were absolutely vibing with this festival!


The third day of the festival was all about the friends we made, the farmers we met, and the stories we shared.

Festivals are a cornerstone of our industry, and we revel in preparing intensively for them. From meticulously selecting coffees in cupping sessions to roasting them, creating new merch, and getting as close to you, the true coffee lovers, as possible.

WOC Copenhagen, you were wonderful! Thank you for all the memories we had the chance to make!



Coffee Origins we had on the brew bar:


1. Columbia El Placer | Pink Bourbon | Carbonic Maceration

2. Columbia El Placer 200g | Gesha | White Honey

3. Colombia Jhonatan Gasca | Pacamara | Natural Anaerobic

4. Panama Altieri Alessa | Gesha | Natural

5. Panama Finca Deborah Gesha Vivid | Gesha | Natural Carbonic Maceration, Washed Hybrid Process

6. Panama Finca Deborah Gesha Nirvana | Gesha | Natural Nitrogen Anaerobic Process


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